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Acupuncture? Yes.

Acupuncture? Yes.

Often I am asked the question, “Can acupuncture be used for ___________ [condition]?” My answer is almost always a resounding “yes.” Is this because when you have a hammer every problem looks like a nail? Is it because I believe that acupuncture can solve every...
Ways of Delivering Acupuncture

Ways of Delivering Acupuncture

Patients in my clinic are sometimes confused by the fact that my style of treatment often doesn’t match that of acupuncturists they have seen previously. This is a natural response. I like to say, “There are as many ways to practice acupuncture as there are...
My Journey Toward ZSA

My Journey Toward ZSA

I’ll share a little about my journey toward becoming certified as Zhu’s Scalp Acupuncturist in 2017. I started studying Taoism and Buddhism at around 11 years of age. It was largely due to my interest in the Shaolin Temple after watching the television show, Kung Fu...
Dr. Zhu Sets a High Bar

Dr. Zhu Sets a High Bar

Dr. Zhu sets a high bar for his students and Zhu Scalp Acupuncture (ZSA) Certified practitioners. His insistence upon our clinical excellence reinforces his philosophy that ZSA is a complete system of medicine that can be applied for general practice. The ZSA...